MARS is still available but is no longer maintained. The models and methods used in MARS are now developped in the VAM package for R

MARS is a freeware tool for Maintenance Assessment of Repairable Systems. MARS implements imperfect maintenance (virtual age) models and estimates jointly the effects of ageing and maintenance (preventive and/or corrective) efficiency on real data sets from field feedback.

MARS has been developed by EDF R&D and Grenoble Alpes University (LJK).

For a quick look of MARS features, click here or download the pdf file.

After downloading MARS, you need to fill in the registration form in order to use it. A serial number will be sent thanks to your hostid and valid email address provided.

The English documentation of MARS will be available soon.

For more informations, contact Olivier Gaudoin, Franck Corset , Laurent Doyen (scientific support), Stephane Despreaux (software technical support).